I am taking stock of 2010, reviewing what I did right and wrong, and trying to see how I can improve. Some of you will read this and think I'm this sad, unhappy dude who needs to be overachieving to be fulfilled. I assure you it's quite the opposite. If nothing else inproved with my life, today, December 26th 2010, then sweet. I'd be wine fine. What I like to think, or some would say, overthink, is what can I accomplish that could make me a better husband, father, employee, writer, blogger, and over all dude. I have some things in mind. Yes, you can hold me to these December 26th of 2011. I will give a whole 5 dollars to the first person that does. There, it's on the innerwebz, come and get me.
Husbandry -
If you haven't see it, my beautiful wife has taken to blogging and twittering: @deana_bo and http://mythoughtsonthesubjectareasfollows.blogspot.com . Her first entry is a wake call for me to listen more, be more patient, and take it what's important between the two of us. Of course, to track my success with this, you'll have to ask her. I'm sure she's be honest. That's sarcasm, kids, smell it?
Daddyering -
I've made some strides here. I live with 3 daughters, ages 14 (she'll be 15 on the 12th of January), 7, and 6. I have been more patient and talkative with them. Their behavior has reflected this. I want to be more involved in their educations. It's tough being a blended family and only seeing Bug, the 7 yr old, on Thursdays and Fridays. We make her do her homework and read to us on those nights. Goose, the 6 yr old, is blazing through kindergarten like she owns the whole thing. She's so anxious to show us what she's learning, that I'm trying to slow down and let her go through everything, you know, like the 50 times she wants to. The teenager is tough, She doe sher homework at her own pace and her studying is kind of unique, yet she makes great grades with advanced classes. I am going to start forcing myself to be more assertive about seeing what she does and how she does it all. I'll have the kids guest blog and guest tweet to see where my parenting progress goes. If any of them get arrest over the next 365 days then that will tell you all something as well.
Work - I don;t talk about it much here, because I like my job and want to keep it in 2011. I will be more organized and thorough, which is tough for a type A, anxiety type like me. Maybe I'll have my boss okay my evaluations for blog posting. LOL.
Writer -
I will write a book in 2011. I have 8 chapters down. I am currently combining two different novel ideas. Also, my boy Chuck aka @_deadjournalist has approached me about contributing to his site http://deadjournalist.com/ He is an outstanding music writer that I admire. I am honored he'd even ask. I will be writing something for him over the week. Hopefully it will become something regular. I used tow rite my own music blog several years ago and it was one of the best thinsg I have ever done, artistically. I will be more active on others' blogs especially @velvetverbosity 's 100 words at http://velvetverbosity.com/ and flash fiction sites, once I find one I enjoy.
Blogging -
Since starting this site in May, I have never personally enjoyed something, writing wise, as http://lance-myblogcanbeatupyourblog.blogspot.com/ . It's not as "successful" as the old music blog was, but the people I've met and interacted with are a lot more interesting and likable. Trying to relate things sports, pop culture, music, twitter, general news, and the written word to my life is difficult sometimes, but even when I suck, I enjoy it. I will blog more, better, and be more interactive. Right now, the site is averaging about 70 hits a day, with a loyal audience of about 40. I'd liek to grow that by 3 times in 2011. Having over 120 or so visting every other day would be satisfying to me. But if it's the same 40 of us, we'll just be cooler than the "popular" blogs. Thanks for reading, those of you who do.
Do you make resolutions or goals for each year? If so, what and why? I think about the future more than I do the past. I've written about it so much, it's kind of redundant to mention it again. With my family situation and possible work situation - there's a likely gig in southern Maryland that could turn into a move for me and my bunch - I am more concerned about tomorrow than yesterday.
As far as today goes, there's 4 inches of snow on the ground, in suburban Georgia, with more coming. I have a new ipod (thanks Tay) and football is coming on in an hour. I'll think about tomorrow on the 27th....or when the battery runs out on the ipod.
Merry Happy New Year
well the first sentance sums it up! haha. You are a great hubby and a great dad! Love you
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff. Always enjoy reading what you have to say.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to you and yours. While you're thinking about the New Years, you might want to send a nice fat check to me because December 31st is you birthday. A New Years resolution for you could be "Don't let Franco down on his birthday." Just saying'.
hahaha, email me your number again. I will make sure you get a text and a smart alec birthday remark.
ReplyDeleteHappy early birthday, brother
I do make New Year's goals because I love making goals. The daily, small actions to achieve them are my achilles. I'm hoping to be much, much better at that this year. I'm developing a personal education curriculum for the upcoming year (hope to shoot it up on my blog with requests from my 3 readers for some resource suggestions).
ReplyDeleteThe main reason I go through the exercise of resolving: so that I can revisit my true priorities and how I'm doing--family, faith, friends, work, hobbies/passions. It's been a better year than ever, I think. Hope 2011 is even better.
Best to you on your list!